Monday, June 27, 2011

We are on Wordpress

Hi Everyone,

The Spanish Charmer Blog, our Spanish Bungalow Home Improvement Journal, is located at We purchased our house on March 16th, 2011, so follow our journey as we bring this cute charming Spanish-style home back to life.

-Dana & Jerry

Spanish Charmer is back!!!!

Its been 3 weeks since our last post and in the blog world that pretty much means the end of another blog. Except this time we have a perfect excuse. Dana lost her job. I got really sick and lost 10 lbs. We got better. WE GOT MARRIED!!!! Again. Then we went on a honeymoon. Then we rested some more.

Now its back to working on the house. Minus the distractions (albeit they were pretty cool distractions), minus the extra stress, plus some renewed energy, plus a pretty good score on Home Depot & Lowes gift cards (my favorite part).

We’ll be sharing some of the wedding pics soon. Followed by some wedding stories. Followed by plenty of house updates. In the meantime, here’s a pic of us from the vintage photobooth we had at our reception. (which was a huge hit with the guests). We promise to get back to the regular house updates, plus some wedding day nostalgia going forward. BRB.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

My wife posts...about our impending wedding. Ok its not that on!

Ah yes…the time has finally come. I'm coming out of hiding to present my first ever blog post! No, it will not be about argon windows. Or copper plumbing. Or even the current state of disarray our new home is in (sad face).

Today’s post is all about the upcoming wedding! Yes, in a little over 2 months, this lucky girl will be marrying her bestest friend in all the world…AGAIN!! I’ll be meeting the Spanish Charmer that stole my heart exactly 478 days ago (yah, I’m keeping count!) at the end of the aisle on June 11th. I thought we had most everything covered but some of these “last minute details” are gonna either a) drive me to drink; or b) validate how kick-ass I would be at planning weddings for a living! Let’s hope for the latter!

So today, I put together a storyboard. Originally it was just for Jeremiah so he could take a sneak peak at the ultimate vision of our big day. Turns out he was impressed by my little bout of creativity – so much so that he suggested I share it with all of you. Well, here I go...Tada!!!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Renovation is underway!!!

As promised,here's how things are progressing via some photos of these past few weeks...

Then we took advantage of the wall being torn down and are in the process of installing windows...

ok, back to work...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We are on Wordpress

Hi Everyone,

The Spanish Charmer Blog, our Spanish Bungalow Home Improvement Journal, is located at We purchased our house on March 16th, 2011, so follow our journey as we bring this cute charming Spanish-style home back to life.

-Dana & Jerry

Demo almost over...

The dark times are starting to turn. Its official, the last green wall is now gone. Yesterday marked our first week of home ownership and we are on pace to, well...not sure what we are on pace to do, but we are really blowing it out of the water. Eight hour work days followed by a solid 3-4 hour work on the house every day can really get things done in a hurry.

Here's a look of the before & after of the final green wall...

Today's plaster removal ended with the slow, deliberate removal of a plaster-covered brick stack. The entire wall will be eventually removed and be an open archway. We'll clean up the stack and leave it exposed for a splash of color.

Back to work, then more renovation.


Our blog is on Wordpress...see link below

Hi Everyone,

The Spanish Charmer Blog, our Spanish Bungalow Home Improvement Journal, is located at We purchased our house on March 16th, 2011, so follow our journey as we bring this cute charming Spanish-style home back to life.

-Dana & Jerry


For those that know me well, you know I have a love-hate relationship with cats. I just really never understood the value they bring to the table. For Pete's sake, they are synonymous with the term, "finicky". Humans have managed to train parrots to talk, elephants to bow, dolphins to molest you at water parks, but good luck asking a cat to put on a collar and walk with you down the street for some fresh air!!!

So as my luck goes, there are so many darn cats in my new neighborhood, that an entire non-profit needed to be established! They are called Thirteenth Street Cats, I did some quick math using the numbers they have supplied on their website and for the last 3 years, not counting 2011 so far, they have spayed/neutered over 1121 cats in this neighborhood. WHAT THE??? Is that even possible??? I have already had a surprise encounter with a cat in our detached garage that jumped out of a cabinet and shot past my leg in the dark, so I know they are out there...waiting....talking about me in their cat language. Plus, these felines are street-savvy, nothing like the smooth talking Morris!!!


Jerry *purrr*

Welcome to The Spanish Charmer

We just bought a house!!! Its a 1938 Spanish Bungalow with tons of potential and even more things to fix. You can follow all of our progress as we bring this little Spanish Charmer back to life! -

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Spanish Charmer Blog located on Wordpress

Hi Everyone,

The Spanish Charmer Blog, our Spanish Bungalow Home Improvement Journal, is located at We purchased our house on March 16th, 2011, so follow our journey as we bring this cute charming Spanish-style home back to life.

-Dana & Jerry