Thursday, April 7, 2011

My wife posts...about our impending wedding. Ok its not that on!

Ah yes…the time has finally come. I'm coming out of hiding to present my first ever blog post! No, it will not be about argon windows. Or copper plumbing. Or even the current state of disarray our new home is in (sad face).

Today’s post is all about the upcoming wedding! Yes, in a little over 2 months, this lucky girl will be marrying her bestest friend in all the world…AGAIN!! I’ll be meeting the Spanish Charmer that stole my heart exactly 478 days ago (yah, I’m keeping count!) at the end of the aisle on June 11th. I thought we had most everything covered but some of these “last minute details” are gonna either a) drive me to drink; or b) validate how kick-ass I would be at planning weddings for a living! Let’s hope for the latter!

So today, I put together a storyboard. Originally it was just for Jeremiah so he could take a sneak peak at the ultimate vision of our big day. Turns out he was impressed by my little bout of creativity – so much so that he suggested I share it with all of you. Well, here I go...Tada!!!


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